Practical Information

We wish to focus on the fact that most of us consider ourselves viking reenactors – not “vikings gone camping”. Sletten offers the space you need to make an awesome and ambitious authentic reenactment camp – thus this is a main part of our vision.

We will continue to champion the ‘no plastic’ attitude, meaning that from Sunday to Sunday Sletten will be authentic and the Viking-Narnia, where reenactment is something we do, because it is awesome, not because a museum tells us to.

We realize, however, that some groups have more gear than others, and/or more resourceful or knowledgeable members than others, so Sletten should also be a place for inspiration and sharing of knowledge.

We want to be able to offer the attending groups the possibility of bringing their family, without this being a conflict of “who gets to go” – we aim to offer you the space you need, to bring your whole group and their families.

Sletten will be a private event, no audience and no external volunteers, so we expect some helping hands from vikings during the week. It will only work if we share the chores. This means that we will share the tasks of cleaning the sanitary facilities, and that all groups making campfires, burning candles etc. are responsible for fire safety in and around their own camp.

Sunday 20. july to
Sunday 27. July 2025

Bøgedalsvej 16, 8680 Ry

The Camps

We have lots of space, there are no restrictions on the amount of people or tents, giving us the ability to experiment and do all the cool stuff. Like last year we will be split into two areas: A and A+. We know the names could be better, and are eager to hear suggestions. 

As you know at Sletten we want to be as authentic as possible while still enjoying our reenactment. We want to aspire to be the most authentic camp we can, and some reenactors want to go all in on living authentically. Taking the immersion to the next level. We applaud that! 

This could mean guidelines like, only archaeologically based equipment in the tents, no modern equipment anywhere in the camp even hidden, food production done with authentic gear and only authentic foods. We want to accommodate this approach and have created the A+ area for this approach.

We know this is a high bar to set, and we also want to make sure that we can accommodate a less ambitious approach, while still staying authentic. This is the A area.

This split is to accommodate both the groups that want total authenticity at all times, and the ones that have a lighter approach. When you sign up, there will be an option to choose your camp preference for your group.

For the A area they guidelines are relaxed somewhat and while reenactors at Sletten need to be authentic 24/7, there are some basic and familiar rules we ask you to comply with.

The A Camp

Authentic at all times, but with a more relaxed approach.

  • No visible plastics or moderns, and if you can’t hide things, keep your tent closed. You may have modern equipment, packaging and foods in your tent. But hidden from view at all times.
  • Food production should be done with minimal use of plastics and modern tools. We understand that hygiene and refrigeration are important. The meals themselves don’t have to be authentic, but it would be cool!
  • Gear and tools should be/look as authentic as possible. Tables and chairs, Bowls and drinking vessels. An example of something we know isnt autentic, but generally accepted could be the rawhide lamps.

The A+ Camp

More strict authenticity, creating next level immersion.

  • All of the A camp requirements.
  • Generally more strict with keeping everything from clothing to camp gear directly based on finds. And also within the same period/geography.
  • Food production and storage should be with authentic vessels and gear.
  • Keeping modern things to an absolute minimum, very well hidden or none at all.

Your camp, your freedom

Your camp is absolutely your domain to plan, time and layout as you like. We ask that you observe a high authenticity level at all times, but that is it. If you’re bringing a main sail we might request you to put it in a specific area of your camp to promote more social interaction and cross-camp frolicking.

  • There will be no need for digging trenches. 
  • The site is well prepared, so there won’t be a need even with heavy rain.
  • Firewood will be provided on site.


Every firepit needs a professional fire extinguisher. Meaning if your camp is big enough to have a seperate firepit or if an individual tent has a firepit of their own, they will each need a fire extingusher.

We know they can be an eyesore, and that we want to hide them completely, but they must be slightly visible to be useful.

Firepits can be dug turf deep, and the turf must be replaced afterwards.

Leave no trace

Sletten is one of the most gorgeous nature Denmark has to offer. We are privileged to be allowed to use it by the scouts. So as a general concept, Sletten operates under ‘leave no trace’. When we walk the grounds on Sunday after the camps are packed and the grounds cleaned up, we should not be able to see that we were ever there.

When you leave your camp your camp leader or deligated responsible person will sign out with the Orga team, and we will walk your campgrounds together.

Arrival & departure

Access to the site is through forest roads and they are in generally good condition. There is an entrance route and an exit route, so we hope to avoid too much congestion at arrival and departure. There will be signs to guide you, when you arrive.

  • When you arrive, find us to sign in and get your parking note.
  • Sunday/Monday and the following Sunday are the arrival and departure days and are the only days where cars, trailers and other vehicles will be allowed in the camp. There will not be any exceptions to this rule. 
  • If you arrive another day, you are responsible for organising people to help carry your stuff in. Try to be discreet. We will provide wheelbarrows to make it easier.
  • There will be ample parking close by in the forest.


  • There will be a container for trash, but be discreet about disposal. 
  • Recycle when possible; clear trash bags only.
  • There will be a limited number of refrigerators/freezers on site.
  • There will be access to toilets and a limited number of showers. Everyone, including you, will be part of the cleaning crew for these.
  • There are options for shopping nearby in the town of Ry.

Personal Safety

The Orga team would like to make the event as safe as possible. This refers not only towards the actual fighting and fire safety around the camp but towards your personal safety too, when you’re out partying and relaxing.

Any kind of harassment (physical, sexual, verbal etc.) will not be tolerated. Contact persons will be available and indicated on the information boards.

Regarding accidents and insurance, you need to have your own insurance. Everyone participates at Sletten at their own risk, and Sletten is not liable for anything.

Baiba Bīriņa


Camp & Logistics Responsible

I’ll be your main contact before, during and after Sletten, to make sure we have a great summer at Sletten together. Please reach out, if you have any questions at all.