To give a well-written account on the expenses of Sletten 2023 one would typically start by covering the types of expenses from the largest to smallest, while giving the amount the appropriate perspective, for instance by providing the amount to something fixed – like the ticket income. And that is what we are going to do now.
The largest expense – by far – is none other than the rent charged by the Scouts for each overnight staying guest. The Scouts gave us a favorable discount this year, as the charge was 63 dkk per head per night. With 836 heads on Full Week, Half Week or OneNight tickets the calculation was a whopping 4.086 overnight stays – and yes this is also one of the reasons we did the headcount each day for the whole campsite. This impressive amount of overnight stays translates into a bill of 257.318 dkk which includes the facilities of the Little House On The Prairy (water, electricity and waste removal) – necessities a modern viking surely cannot live without(?). The bill on the overnight stay rent is what eats up around half (49%) of the Ticket Income.
The next big item on the list is surprisingly hygienic as it is our Sanitation wagons. Without this expense the area of Sletten would simply not be as idyllic as they were. Toilet wagons and Washing stations account for a total of 13% of the Ticket income or 65.469,88 dkk.
Moving further down the list the next expense is warming our hearts – quite literally as it is the Firewood used for all camps. A good deal was made and 50 cubic meters of wood was sent to the Sletten campsite this summer for 9% of the ticket income or a total expense of 47.250 dkk.
And now we move on to the last items on the expense sheets and it becomes smaller and smaller purchases. Overall a 20.169,04 dkk was spent on various big and small practical Campsite items like shovels, wheelbarrows, walkie talkies, discussion closers, cleaning utilities, signage and many other things. All items necessary for making the gears of the Sletten week working well.
Behind-the-scenes expenses are some of those that we – from the Orga team – would like to reduce as much as possible, but Administration expenses are hard to eliminate totally. These expenses include bank fees, website bills, transaction fees on tickets and more for 2% of Ticket income or a total of 9.057,51 dkk.
Lastly, we did want to express gratitude towards the volunteers behind the Sletten 2023. Gifting red-glazed cups – 10 in total – as well as the opportunity to buy a Sletten-logoed hoodie was the smallest of expense items for a total of 2.097,83 dkk. We want to be transparent on these numbers as well, as we feel it necessary to appreciate the tonnes and tonnes of working hours the volunteers put into the event.